The Majority of I.T Folk you come across in the UK look like…
.. this cunt and they think they are clever by talking about clock speeds. Continue reading The Majority of I.T Folk you come across in the UK look like…
.. this cunt and they think they are clever by talking about clock speeds. Continue reading The Majority of I.T Folk you come across in the UK look like…
… a cheap version of a project manager (they don’t deliver either). Likes to call meetings ‘ceremonies’. It is for the non-technical person to get their foot into the software world by reciting reams of bullshit introduced by some idiots … Continue reading The Role of the Scrum Master is…
… have NEVER delivered a piece of software in their life. Continue reading Agile Coaches who …
Agile Software Development started off as a set of core principles but have since developed into “add any layer of shit” onto it to slow the process down even further, meaning your deliverable could be as small as a “system.out”. Continue reading “Agile Development” – Thick Layers of Bollocks